The Kalsarp Yog occurs when all planets in an individual's horoscope at the time of birth are situated between Rahu and Ketu . Even if one planet is outside the Rahu-Ketu axis no Kalsarp Yog. The persons karyas do not happen according to the efforts put in, often leading to negativity, and inferiority complex. It can cause one's life to be depressed. A person under the affliction of this yog leads a life of pain and misfortune. If it is highly afflicted this yog has the capacity to cancel out all the good Yog of one's chart. This vidhi done by Tantrik procedures is very effective and results are seen within a few weeks. The person who have Kaal Sarp Yog in his horoscope. Always suffers from wealth, mental disturbance in married life. Bad dreams and sudden death. Different fears and worries never get full reward of his work. Normally the success in work is delayed. Sudden loss of money, prestige is an indication of this Kaal Sarp yog. The person without any reason suffers from diseases that are not cured by medicine. The prescribed remedies of Kaal Sarp Yog can give relief from these problems. According to horoscope whenever the mahadasha or antardasha of Rahu and Ketu comes then Kaal Sarp Yog is more effective. At that time remedies or Yagya carried out with devotion are highly useful. Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the person suffers from diseases such as heart, eyes and ears trouble many times that cause loss of money. The person remains mentally disturbed from time to time. The financial position remains little fragile. There could be debts but these are paid back though with some difficulty. Goals can be achieved but after delays.

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